Formed by the last two dinosaurs on earth, "The Dinosaur’s Skin" is a Jurassic Pop band known for their unique blend of retro rhythms and prehistoric flair. After their debut EP, *Millions of Years Apart*, snagged nominations for both the Golden Melody and Golden Indie Music Awards, they've hit the global stage with singalong anthems and romantic tunes, playing festivals and venues across New York, Paris, Austin, Toronto, Bangkok, and Hong Kong.
Now, after 65 million years, they're finally releasing their first album, *I Dig You*, this October. The lead single, "RETRO PETRO," is a lively indie rock track that humorously tackles the myth of "dinosaurs turning into oil" by imagining a new fuel that’s actually made from dinosaur fossils. With its powerful vocals, catchy hooks, driving rhythms, and distorted guitars, it’s a high-speed road trip for the ears.
Produced by Skippy, lead vocalist of the Golden Melody Award-winning group Crispy, the album features collaborations with a mix of talented artists from both indie and mainstream scenes around the world. Blending Indie Pop, Bedroom Pop, and Indie Rock, it celebrates diversity, transcending race and even species.
單曲 “If I Say I Love You”,是一首憂傷的浪漫情歌,描述著禁錮在軀殼中的靈魂的愛情故事。在音樂製作方面,再次找了Crispy脆樂團的Skippy擔任製作人,加入detuned的電吉他、lo-fi鋼琴、富有節奏韻律的bass與懷舊合成器效果,融合暴龍、三角龍與Summer Salt的夢幻般嗓音和打擊樂器,使其成為一首適合慢舞、流淚,以及深情凝視的歌曲。
由暴龍與三角龍組成的新興樂團「恐龍的皮」,以第一張作品〈Millions of Years Apart〉同時獲得金曲獎與金音獎的肯定,不但活躍於大港開唱、春浪等各大音樂祭,售票演出更是創下秒殺佳績。全新單曲〈Neck and Neck〉以復古Disco節奏、厚實爽快的合成器與朗朗上口的旋律唱著弱肉強食的恐龍故事。
The Dinosaur’s Skin is a Jurassic-Pop duo consisting of band members Trex and Triceratops. Their first EP〈Millions of Years Apart〉achieved great success, being nominated for both Golden Melody Awards and Golden Indie Music Awards. With shows that sold out in seconds and major appearances in music festivals such as Megaport Festial and Spring Wave, The Dinosaur’s Skin’s new single <Neck and Neck> sets out to be another prehistoric adventure.
Told through the eyes of a long-necked dinosaur chased by clawed carnivores, <Neck and Neck> is a story about fighting your demons. Producer Skippy from the band Crispy creates the trademark sound of The Dinosaur’s Skin, with retro disco beat, fat synth bass and super catchy melody, this is a song to dance to, a song that puts up a fight.
以暴龍與三角龍的頭套形象走跳於獨立音樂祭,身份引起眾多討論的神秘樂團「The Dinosaur’s Skin 恐龍的皮」,融合Bedroom Pop、Indie rock、Dream pop、Synth pop、lo-fi的曲風,初發行單曲〈All My Friends Are Dead〉就受KKBOX、吹音樂、黑卡雜誌等媒體撰文推薦,更在StreetVoice平台上獲得編輯推薦、Song of the Day並突破萬次播放。
首張EP《Millions of Years Apart》曲風更加多元、成熟,收錄能量全開的獨立搖滾〈Jurassic Ride〉、踩著Lofi節奏的三拍子男女對唱〈Millions of Years Apart〉以及琅琅上口的好評單曲〈All My Friends Are Dead〉,戲謔的歌詞說著恐龍們的故事,也說著所有人的故事。由Crispy脆樂團的主唱Skippy擔任製作人,找來MANDARK、Everydaze等活躍於獨立圈的唱作人參與,並與來自世界各地的樂手合作,為一張橫跨各種不同膚色、性別、甚至物種的作品。
EP同名主打〈Millions of Years Apart〉特別邀請來自甜約翰、I Mean Us的女神主唱MANDARK合唱,與男主唱暴龍交織出豐富的和聲,搭配三角龍精彩的鋼琴獨奏與鳴叫,唱出恐龍穿越百萬年的淒美愛情故事。飽滿豐厚的合成器聲響、歪斜夢幻的電吉他、來自奈及利亞的厚實Bass,懷舊感十足的電子拍點,所有未能相遇的遺憾,都在一起成為化石後圓滿。
頭戴暴龍與三角龍頭套的神秘樂團,號稱來自遠古時代的的新興雙主唱組合,其真實身分在獨立音樂圈引起眾多討論。融合Bedroom Pop、Indie rock、Dream pop、Synth pop、Lofi等等的元素,demo初登場就獲得streetvoice首頁推薦與song of the day 肯定。
首發單曲〈All My Friends Are Dead〉琅琅上口的大合唱與自嘲戲謔的歌詞,歪斜復古的聲響建構出夢境般的氛圍。身為世界上僅存的兩隻恐龍,以哀傷的口吻與歡快的旋律悼念那些死去的恐龍朋友,同時也以這首歌影射著現代人的社交孤獨。
“All my friends are dead and I feel so lonely tonight.”